Your Group
First Preferred Date * “Weds-Fri” *
E.g., 09/07/2024
Second Preferred Date * “Weds-Fri” *
E.g., 09/07/2024
Third Preferred Date * “Weds-Fri” *
E.g., 09/07/2024
Field Trip Details
If applicable, please specify number by grade. For example: 1st-50, 2nd-75, etc.
Lunch not included.
1 program = $13, 2 Programs + $16, 3 Programs = $18 Note: Programs are 45 minutes in length
Deposit & Agreements

You are paying a $100 registration fee to make a temporary reservation with Cranbrook Institute of Science. To secure your reservation, your remaining balance is due 45 days prior to your program(s). The registration fee will count towards the final balance.

You are responsible for providing a final attendance count and paying your remaining balance to the Institute’s Reservations Office no less than 45 calendar days prior to the day of your visit. You are responsible for the amount due for your group based upon the number of attendees reported via this form, OR on file 45 calendar days in advance of your visit, OR the number of attendees present the day of your visit, whichever is greatest. No refunds or credits will be given the day of the visit.

Only pre-registered attendees are guaranteed a program. Additional chaperones beyond the required ratios will be welcomed at $13 per person, but due to space limitations may not be able to attend all programs.

Cancellations made more than 45 calendar days before the date of visit can be rescheduled with no additional fees. Your $100 registration fee will be credited towards a future visit occurring before May 30, 2025, or forfeited should rescheduling not be feasible.

Cancellations in writing made less than 45 calendar days before the date of visit forfeit registration fees and payments.

Within the Institute of Science chaperones will be required to directly supervise students and actively enforce proper museum behavior. Running, rough play, and touching displays behind barriers will not be permitted under any circumstances. Individuals or Groups displaying these behaviors will be asked to leave.

Memberships and Free Passes are not applicable to Field Trip events.