What is Blue Planet Jobs?

Blue Planet Jobs: Careers in Water event is an interactive career exploration event for high school students focused on careers connected to our water resources.

Two hundred high school students from Oakland County will network and learn from industry professionals during four 25-mintue interactive, hands-on sessions. Each session fits into one of four water career pathways, specifically government and non-profit, engineering, skilled trades and facility operations.

The goal is to teach students that a career in water is important and rewarding work that encompasses opportunities in many different fields.

Participants leave this unique event with a better understanding about the importance of the water industry, what it means to be a water professional, current labor and market trends, water industry career pathways, education requirements, industry technology advancement and so much more.

WRC - Blue Planet Program – All Videos

Teacher Resources

Freshwater Forum at CIS

  • Pervious Pavement Possibilities Outreach Program - A 100% free Eco-STEM program exclusively for Blue Planet Jobs participating educators. In this two-part lesson (delivered in two 45-60 min class periods) students will investigate the differences between pervious and impervious surfaces and how we can change some of our solid surfaces to allow for more infiltration and to significantly decrease stormwater runoff. Register here.

Clinton River Watershed Council

Oakland County Water Resource’s Commissioner’s Office

  • Water treatment facility tours are available! We invite students, community groups, water professionals, and elected officials to learn more about our water resources by joining us for a guided educational tour of one of our specialized facilities. To learn more visit oakgov.com/wrctours.

Student Resources

Clinton River Watershed Council

Oakland County Water Resource’s Commissioner’s Office

  • We offer job shadowing opportunities for interested persons who are entering or actively participating in the workforce. This unique opportunity provides participants with the opportunity to observe an employee performing their daily work routine in their environment. Our mission is to excite potential candidates about a career in the water industry by allowing them to explore a realistic picture of the tasks performed for a specific job. To learn more visit oakgov.com/wrcjobshadow

Thank you to our Sponsors

Blue Planet Job Fair sponsors

The Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner’s office, Pure Oakland Water, the Freshwater Forum at Cranbrook Institute of Science and Oakland Schools’ Career Readiness program have partnered together to host Blue Planet Jobs.

Thank you to our Presenters and Exhibitors

Blue Planet Job Fair Presenters and Exhibitors

Cranbrook Contact
Lizz Parkinson, Head of the Freshwater Forum; eparkinson@cranbrook.edu

Oakland County Water Resources Contact 
Alyssa Taube, WRC Community Engagement Representative; taube@oakgov.com